CD v Streamed

Uncompressed CD audio will take about 10.6mb per minute to play, to stream that takes big space and dollars to stream an album, see what your streaming company’s takes mb per minute to stream, find out and post up here.

I hear CD’s are better, I get better dynamic range from CD every time it’s A/B to me, now that could be that the streaming companies are using the "later compressed re-issues" of the same albums, you can find that out here
Or that the streaming process itself compresses the music to save "streaming size" to save big dollars even if in small amounts.

Here’s a video from the CEO of Disc Makers Pty Ltd, yes he probably also biased because he manufacturers CD’s and vinyl, and is a very bad dancer.

Cheers George
George, thanks from me too. You are and have helped me and the community.

It's important. Steamers cost a lot, and if the music is getting mangled like FM radio does, makes it seem silly to spend thousands on a streamer. Plus, we just need to know. 

There will always be trolls and dummies. Don't let them demand your time.
Agree that the issue of compressed recordings via streaming services is worth exploring and exposing. If this practice is the norm then if does cause one to contemplate the value/need of higher price streamers. If this focused attention results in an increased use (Default choice) of uncompressed streamed files that would be commendable.
+1 George and Rix
So I spend 200K+ on gear and then subscribe to a service that gives me inferior quality than is actually out there for the taking??  Sure it requires more of an effort to find the best ears, my time and the money I worked for to get my gear are worth going the extra mile.  If you cant hear the difference then I would question your gear/cables etc to begin with.  Its like having a regular LP Record back in the 70s/80's and then playing the HALF-SPEED Mastered version against it.  You'll hear instruments and other aspects that you didnt hear on the regular record. You know why??? The Regular records were pressed at INCREDIBLY High Speeds which made the records lose their fidelity.  When the pressing speed was slowed down considerably you get MUCH more information and clarity.
Haven’t read the whole thread so don’t know if this has been asked. What is the take on cd vs music ripped to wmv on HD them played through dac?