Tubes for Cary V12 amps.

I have a few Cary V12 amps. When I bought them they came from the factory with Ruby EL 34's.  I have tried Winged C's, Electro Harmonix and JJ EL-34's and I have lot liked them as much as the Ruby's. I did ask Cary about the Ruby tubes. They said they designed the amp using those tubes and that is probably why the amp sounded best with those tubes.  So I have stuck with the Ruby's since (Ruby EL-34 BHT). But when I went to reorder the 36 tubes I need for the three amps I was told that the factory that produces the Ruby tubes in China had a fire and isn't currently making tubes and there are very few out there to be found. Also no word on when production will resume.

Anyone out there have any luck with tubes other than those I mentioned (Winged C's, Electro Harmonix and JJ) ?
I have had good luck with the Mullard reissues. I have a set for my six-pacs but haven't needed them yet. Nicely priced also. 
I would call andy's tubes or look him up on the net and order the best nos tubes you can get from him they will sound way better than any new tubes and they will last a lot longer than the chinese or russian variants of the el34 tube.
^^^ With TWELVE output tubes per v12 amplifier, and he has three amps to deal with, NOS tubes is not a realistic option buying thirty six tubes.

OP, If you can find sets of the stock Rubys, those particular shuguang EL34-BSTR output tubes are very good with this specific amp. It was designed and voiced with them this way.

The front-end input and driver tubes is where you want to spend your $ on really good NOS. The EL84 input tubes up front truly impact the sound. The secondary 6922s or 12BZ7 (R model only) drivers are next in order. 
One of the coolest amps I've ever owned. I'm currently running Ruby all right, 6V6 Ruby and only 8. 4 per side It sounded wonderful with just 2 per side. You don't have to run all those valves.  That Cary will bias PERFECT with just 2 valves per side. 

IF you want to learn how ASK, I'll share or someone will chime in..

Literally 12 valves will voice all 3 amps with 4 per amp and run a whole lot cooler.. 

I learned that right here on AG. I use EH greens too. The real trick to those amps is what's inside. BUT the signal valves EL84 and 12BH7 6922 or I use a very special 12AX7.

6L6 coke bottle are just wonderful too, 4 or 8 will sound so good..

The only issue is how much power you actually use. I NEVER use valves for BASS duty.. I have a feeling you use them for just that.. I've never seen a valve amp pull it off. Just to easy to use SS.  They run a whole lot cooler, and with a lot less distortion and better control.

IF I were using my V12r and it was doing BASS, I'd run KT88 or 90s, EL34 just don't cut it.. FOR ME... No bass duty..

It is one of best sounding amps I've ever owned with EL34s, BUT no bass.

Rubys are special, BUT the signal valves and a GREAT PC go a long ways. Sounds crazy but I learned on the PC too.. Mac could give a hoot on a PC. Cary, you better pick a good one.. I went to a weave from a big fat shielded PC.. :-) WOW

I'm looking for a second red V12r I'll match the first one, when I'm done..

Love that amp.. Just took it out of service for the summer, too hot even with just 6V6s. It will be 102 Tuesday.. Class ds.. :-) for 3-4 months..

Happy Happy
I recently tried Mullard re-issues in my Music Reference RM9 MKII and was very disappointed.  The best sounding I've used are RAM EL34's from The Tube Audio Store @ $35 each.