^^^ With TWELVE output tubes per v12 amplifier, and he has three amps to deal with, NOS tubes is not a realistic option buying thirty six tubes.
OP, If you can find sets of the stock Rubys, those particular shuguang EL34-BSTR output tubes are very good with this specific amp. It was designed and voiced with them this way.
The front-end input and driver tubes is where you want to spend your $ on really good NOS. The EL84 input tubes up front truly impact the sound. The secondary 6922s or 12BZ7 (R model only) drivers are next in order.
OP, If you can find sets of the stock Rubys, those particular shuguang EL34-BSTR output tubes are very good with this specific amp. It was designed and voiced with them this way.
The front-end input and driver tubes is where you want to spend your $ on really good NOS. The EL84 input tubes up front truly impact the sound. The secondary 6922s or 12BZ7 (R model only) drivers are next in order.