Sell Me Your Women, Your Children, Your Vintage Turntable...

Ok I’m trying to understand the appeal of buying something like an old Garrard 301 or an elderly Technics all trussed up in a shiny new plinth, versus something manufactured in the 21st century by people not wearing clogs.

Surely modern gear has to perform better, dollar for dollar? It isn’t like these restored Garrards are exactly cheap, i was looking at one for almost $11k yesterday on Reverb. The internals looked like something out of a Meccano set.
 I ought to be more in tune with the past, I’m almost 60 and wear bell bottoms, but the style of the older TTs just doesn’t do it for me. Now then, my Dr. Feickert Volare had a look that was hardly futuristic, but that’s about as retro as I’d prefer to go.
All that said... I will buy one of these old buggers if it genuinely elevates performance. 
With $10k available for table and arm, on the new or used market, how would you splash the cash?

Taste is idiosyncratic, but ...

Do you need a suspended table? You do unless your floor is a concrete slab far from a freeway. If you don't need a suspended table, don't pay for it. Like my choices. 

Air bearing is mine. Once you've heard air, there's no going back. IMO. Sometimes used air bearing TT come up.

An alternative with exceedingly quiet bearings and low motor noise is Nottingham Analogue, which I also own. NA doesn't have much presence here, so you may need to go to the factory. NA doesn't advertise nearly as much as some - but, do you want to pay for advertising or quality product? Occasionally a Dais comes up used.

For tonearm, consider the Trans-Fi Terminator air bearing tonearm, which IMO is the best buy in high end at about $1k, and competes with anything costing less than a new car.

For cartridge, wait until you've sorted out everything else. That's what has worked for me. YMMV
So many paths, old or new, does it really matter?  I've had a number of new belt drive tt's, some diy modded. Really like the diy modding aspect of audio. Anyway, I now have Technics SP10 MkII, completely refurbished, rebuilt, custom plinth, diy to the hilt. Love the slam, macro and micro dynamics of this setup, my belt drives never delivered to my satisfaction on these aspects. In the end, my current setup is likely one of a kind, voiced exactly to my preferences.
I have been using the VPI HW with a Sumiko arm since 1985. I went from the HW MK II to the MK IV in 2010. The cartridge is a Koetsu, Black at first, a Rosewood Signature since 2008, and an Onyx since 2012.
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If you have not check out Micro Seiki, the SX-8000 is an air bearing, I have the little brother RX-1500 with back filled platter that is nearly 20lbs, the plinth is also just as solid, the belt drive RY-1500 is separate from the main plinth, I find it very good. I run both a SME 3012 s1, , and Morch 12" DP8 tone arm and Zyx Ultimate MC cart.