Not easily. PCs, especially in the same room and connected to the audio system generate noise. There are many ways to try to overcome it, like external linear power supplies, dual-headed cables that separate signal from power, etc. All the background processes supporting other stuff your computer does are something to overcome. Low power dedicated devices with more of the parts cost dedicated to what affects audio has generally proven a more cost-effective approach.
Let alone the UX impact of OS updates messing with music software on PC or Mac.
Many of us had PC or Mac based rigs and moved away from them as better alternatives became available. the majority of posts on computerlifestyle (formerly computeraudiophile) address many subtopics that apply. Cheers,
Let alone the UX impact of OS updates messing with music software on PC or Mac.
Many of us had PC or Mac based rigs and moved away from them as better alternatives became available. the majority of posts on computerlifestyle (formerly computeraudiophile) address many subtopics that apply. Cheers,