Is great sound possible through an on-board, MM phono stage?

I’m considering simplifying down to an integrated amp and curious whether it’s possible to get great sound from an on-board MM phono stage. In the past, I have felt that it’s tough. I ran a Shindo Masseto’s on-board MM stage through a Hashimoto SUT, for example, and it didn’t measure up to my Coincident phono stage. Indeed, the whole business of runnng an interconnect to an external SUT to another interconnect to a tonearm is something I’d love to avoid. Are there any folks out there who felt they’ve found a winning combo with an MM or MI cartridge? Or an SUT combo that’s truly quiet, with a massive soundstage, great dynamics, and smooth performance that doesn’t break the bank? Integrateds i'm considering include the Audio Note OTO SE Signature phono, the Leben CS600, or possibly a Linear Tube Audio integrated. 
@cfluxa Wish I could give you more insight into this unit. Ironically I was on the AN site early this am and that amp captured my attention. Thought it looked like a great all in one solution with the right speakers. The high quality parts, ability to upgrade and modify--looks like a blast!
Those on this forum whose opinion I respect speak highly of the AN kits.
Depends on your definition of "great", doesn't it ? In my world, the answer to your question is closer to a no than to a yes. In other words, you could give it a try.
Yes, can sound great, and then you get the simplicity and conveniences of integrated remote control, but

You are wise to seek comments about SPECIFIC models, I always advise return option for any phono stage, or anything with built-in phono, SUT .... The stories of people churning Phono are aplenty. And, for MC, flexibility for future cartridge(s).

To your specific question: my Office System, a modern Tube Integrated: Luxman SQ-N150 has both MM and MC built-in. I am using the MM, extremely happy with it’s sound. Liking both AT440ML and Shure V15VxMR with Jico SAS on boron. That solves any MM cartridge.

I have not used/heard it’s MC stage. You would be restricted to a cartridge that works with it’s single non-adjustable specs: .33mv sensitivity; 100 ohms input impedance. Co-incidentally it would be good for my 2 MC Cartridge’s, but they are downstairs. One is in a removable headshell, I should bring it up here, let you know how I like it’s MC input.

I/you can always use a SUT for any MC, and then continue to use the Luxman’s MM via that SUT. MM Pass is a wise feature for a SUT.

This Luxman is only 10 wpc, it is just enough for my office. Temp hookup downstairs to test it, it sounded very nice downstairs, however not enough power for that larger space.

I have read only good things about other and more powerful Luxmans, but never heard them myself.

My other phono experiences are:

Current Main System:

Vintage McIntosh mx110z Tube Tuner/Preamp with 2 MM Phono Inputs, totally love it.

Vintage SUT Fidelity Research FRT-4 to mx110z (MM Pass, 3 inputs, 4 MC optional load/xf). I get to use any of my 3 arms thru the mx110z MM.


Fisher Tube Receivers: 500C and 800C, both very nice MM Phonos). I traded the 800C with Bill (met him here) for the TT I am using in my office, Mitsubishi Vertical LT-5V. I’ve made many changes in the main system, one day I should bring the 500C up, have a listen to it’s 7591’s, it’s gotta be better than ever. Now mx110z to a modern Cayin using KT88’s.

Mcintosh SS Preamp C28 (sold to get the tube mx110z). I did not like it’s MM Phono; the dinky optional built-in Phono Stage in the TT, AT120 sounded better (not as good as mx110z)

Tried Cambridge Duo Phono in my office: cold, sterile, uninvolving, like C28, sent it back

Pyle $14. compact in-line MM Phono sounded better to me than the Cambridge, like the AT120’s built-in one, surprisingly nice, not great. Used it here with Chase Remote Line Controller and Carver SS Cube until I switched to the Luxman. Carver was nice, powerful, compact, but the Luxman Tube Integrated is definitely better sound.

I have a Luxman Cl-38 preamp with integrated phono stage. Not sure if it is great, but very very good. If the power is adequate you might consider the LX 380