Manley Chinook to Aesthetix Rhea Signature?

Curious if anyone has an input as to jumping from my Manley Chinook to a Aesthetix Rhea Signature would be worth the cost? Running a Hana ML and love the sound, but the curiosity has got the cat. I'm really surprised at how quiet the Chinook is especially coming from solid state. I would image the Hana ML doesn't require too high of gain to present too much noise in the Aesthetix?
I agree with tomic601 though that improvements to your source and upgraded tubes and Nobsound springs under your Chinook might get you there without needing the Rhea. Maximize what you have, then get the Rhea Signature. 
I can't speak to the Aesthetix phono stage, but I upgraded from a Chinook to a Herron VTPH-2A and it was significant.  The Chinook is very good, but the Herron has more body, drive and detail and does imaging and soundstage better.  I still have the Chinook and am listening to it now in my second system and it's more than satisfactory.  There's nothing disappointing about the Chinook, but it can be bettered.

I have rolled tubes in the Chinook, but didn't notice much difference.  It's been a while, I don't remember which ones.  I'm still using the stock tubes in the Herron.  It sounds so good with those that I haven't felt a need to futz with them (yet).

I have the Hana SL and the Kiseki Blue NS.  The Kiseki is a lot more fun to listen to.  I have heard the ML, but not in my system so I can't make a fair comparison to how the Blue compares to the ML.  I really liked the ML on my friend's turntable.
I had an Aesthetix Rhea signature phono stage. The Hana at .4 mv will have enough output to get above the noise floor. If you had a higher output MC like a Koetsu Black at ,6 mv or a EMT at 1,0 mv that would be better. The Aesthetix is a great sounding phono stage. But IMO is better with a higher output MC.

I have not heard the Chinook, but in general I am not a fan of the FET front end and prefer a SUT or something like the Aesthetix  with pure tube gain.

The EMT cartridges are great and a bargain in high end cartridges
@noromance that's one the one I was eyeing. I'm not sure I'd be willing to spend that much for a new model to be completely honest. 
The Chinook is a great phono stage for the money. Yes, the Herron is better. I had to spend a lot more to better the Herron.

Sorry, I have not heard any Aesthetix products. In that price range, I would suggest auditioning a Zesto Audio phono stage.