Manley Chinook to Aesthetix Rhea Signature?

Curious if anyone has an input as to jumping from my Manley Chinook to a Aesthetix Rhea Signature would be worth the cost? Running a Hana ML and love the sound, but the curiosity has got the cat. I'm really surprised at how quiet the Chinook is especially coming from solid state. I would image the Hana ML doesn't require too high of gain to present too much noise in the Aesthetix?
I can't speak to the Aesthetix phono stage, but I upgraded from a Chinook to a Herron VTPH-2A and it was significant.  The Chinook is very good, but the Herron has more body, drive and detail and does imaging and soundstage better.  I still have the Chinook and am listening to it now in my second system and it's more than satisfactory.  There's nothing disappointing about the Chinook, but it can be bettered.

I have rolled tubes in the Chinook, but didn't notice much difference.  It's been a while, I don't remember which ones.  I'm still using the stock tubes in the Herron.  It sounds so good with those that I haven't felt a need to futz with them (yet).

I have the Hana SL and the Kiseki Blue NS.  The Kiseki is a lot more fun to listen to.  I have heard the ML, but not in my system so I can't make a fair comparison to how the Blue compares to the ML.  I really liked the ML on my friend's turntable.
I had an Aesthetix Rhea signature phono stage. The Hana at .4 mv will have enough output to get above the noise floor. If you had a higher output MC like a Koetsu Black at ,6 mv or a EMT at 1,0 mv that would be better. The Aesthetix is a great sounding phono stage. But IMO is better with a higher output MC.

I have not heard the Chinook, but in general I am not a fan of the FET front end and prefer a SUT or something like the Aesthetix  with pure tube gain.

The EMT cartridges are great and a bargain in high end cartridges
@noromance that's one the one I was eyeing. I'm not sure I'd be willing to spend that much for a new model to be completely honest. 
The Chinook is a great phono stage for the money. Yes, the Herron is better. I had to spend a lot more to better the Herron.

Sorry, I have not heard any Aesthetix products. In that price range, I would suggest auditioning a Zesto Audio phono stage.
@j-wall Nothing wrong with a good used example especially at half price!

Note the Herron VTPH-2A is no longer made.