The warnings are legitimate, reason you do homework prior to replacement parts. What is the sound quality you're looking for, is there some lacking in present state of equipment. Reading about other's experiences with particular boutique parts will give you idea of particular sound qualities.
And you can always reinstate original parts if you didn't damage them during removal. Not always possible because of issues with getting desoldering utensil where it needs to go, broken legs on removal of original parts happens. Its not risky replacing with boutique parts as long as you know voltage ratings, never replace with lesser voltage or temperature rated parts unless you understand the circuit.
I always figure the labor time and parts you invest in upgrades will never be accounted for, you're not doing this for the financial aspect, solely for sound quality. You may be able to get back what you paid for used items, I recently sold one of my modded amps for same price I paid originally, prior to mods. I've experienced a few buyers over the years attracted to modded units.
Just simply replacing original parts with upgrades is in no way hazardous to the health of unit unless you replaced with parts not up to spec or incorrect installation of those parts. I assume quality control is superior to generic parts, you can even get matched spec parts when requested.