How to get the impact of a live concert?

Yes, I know, big speakers, lots of power. : ) But I really am looking to "feel" the dynamics of the music, like you would at a concert. I'm not only talking about bass, although that is certainly a part of it. My wife and I were at Dave Matthews Band concert last night and it always amazes me, how impactful music is when it's live. Obviously, I understand they have a LOT of power driving a LOT of speakers, but they were filling the whole outdoors (outside venue). I'm only trying to fill my listening room. Would a good sub help? Different speakers?

I currently have Gallo Reference 3.1's and Klipchs Forte II's (Crites mods) driven by a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3.
Live jazz in a good club can give you the impact Ecruz is talking about. Here in the Bay Area, the two Yoshi's clubs are fine-sounding rooms with excellent Meyer Sound systems. But even unamplified, the impact of a cymbal crash -- you can feel it in your chest! -- is something I've never heard reproduced well on a stereo system. How come?
I know a small place in Maryland that books name acts in a club-like setting and the sound is always spot on. I have been there about a half dozen times seeing various acts and seated in the "sweet spot".

Find a place like this, that cares about good sound along with the rest of a quality product, even if just with local talent, and use it as a reference for the kind of live sound one might have a chance of reproducing very well at home.

Symphony halls often have great live sound as well, but getting your room to match acoustics of a large venue like a symphony hall is not a good place to start :-).
Use a hi quality horn loudspeaker. Horns are the sound of live amplified music.