How many turntables have you owned?

My analog journey started in the 70's- I'm on my 6th turntable, which I have owned since 1998. I think it's my final turntable!


I'm poor, I have 9 children to feed and 34 grandchildren. I have no turntable, please make checks payable to "The old man in the shoe" Would you throw in a Rolls with a chauffeur. 12 car seats too if you don't mind..


In the old days BC (before children) I went through 8 turntables before I got my Sota Sapphire at age 27. AC (after children) there has been one more so far, the Sota Cosmos Vacuum. From here getting a significant increase in performance and usability is going to be expensive, very expensive. Right now I have more important fish to fry. 

13 (if I recall correctly). Some not worth mentioning, some good:

  • Denon DP45F
  • AR-ES 1 w/Premier MMT arm
  • AT-LP120XUSB (tweaked)
  • Thorens TD-124Mk1 (refurbished)
  • Technics SL-1500 Mk1
  • Dual 1215
  • Hitachi HT60
  • Scott PS-67
  • Pioneer PL-4
  • Crosley C-200