Need speaker for a small space and close to wall

We are moving and I need to rethink my system for an 8 foot wall. The room is small and requires me to have the speakers within 12 inches of the wall. Listening position will be 9ft from the speakers and 2 feet from the rear wall. Budget is $3000. Amplification will adjust accordingly. I listen to all kinds of music. Lots of jazz, lots of folk and goth/electronica and soundtracks and throw in some rap and latin music.
Stick with something smaller so as too not overload the room with bass.Smaller Dynaudio's(Focus 110's or Excite 12's) can REALLY rock(or Rap)out when fed properly,sound great with ALL types of music & wouldn't overload a small room.While I haven't had an opportunity to demo them yet I would think a pair of the PMC DB1i's would also work quite well.Looking forward to seeing what you end up with so please update us when you complete that new system...
Maybe the new Polk Lsm series. Their design allows for close wall placement. Not in your price range but don't hold that against them.
Linn Majik 109's are front ported and can be played close to the rear wall. Heck, even the older Katan speakers, which are rear ported, can be wall mounted using Linn Brackits and sound good.

The Majiks are about $1600/pair. Stereophile raved about them: "At the risk of being accused of superlative-mongering, I can't help myself: In all my 25-plus years of reviewing, I have never heard any other speaker at any price whose high frequencies sounded more natural than those of the Linn Majik 109. With every recording I played, the highs were detailed, pure, uncolored, and extended, with plenty of top-octave air. That purity was so far beyond what I've heard from other speakers anywhere near the Linn's price that it seemed as if I were listening to master tapes through the Majik 109s, but hearing only second-generation dubs through all those other speakers."

A bit ridiculous, but definitely a nice speaker.
Updated or refurbished OHM Ls.

These very low cost moderate size front ported 3-ways have been around for over 30 years, work great close to walls, are still available and supported by the maker, OHM Acoustics, and use a good quality 10" woofer that helps deliver a big sound for moderate cost compared to most newer modern day speakers.

I think they are still OHMs all time best selling speaker model, but not quite sure if that is still the case or if some combo of the newer Walsh line designs has surpassed them.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I used to have Revel M20s. Liked them a lot. I'll definitely listen to the AN/k if I can figure out where I can do that. Didn't love Harbeth P3esr, although it may have been the associated equipment so I'm going to try a pair of those at home once we are set up.