Selling gear with TMR

I’m at the point of wanting to sell some gear and am seeking any experiences of selling with The Music Room. Did it make things easier? Did you get what you thought was a reasonable offer? Other benefits or detriments you might share?


I lost interest in TMR after my first attempted transaction.  I wanted to sell a 4-month new Parasound A21+ in absolutely perfect condition.  They offered me about 1/3 of what I had paid for it new several months prior.  When I asked why so low they said because they could only expect to sell it for $xxxxx.  I passed, and a month or so later saw them sell an identical A21+ for significantly more than their expected selling price they previously mentioned to me and almost twice what they offered me.

I listed and sold it on Agon for a very fair price to myself and the purchaser.

I believe that the individual I dealt with was a new employee.

Post removed 

These are helpful reports; it seems a reasonable process to embark upon, especially if one is doing a lot of selling and they’re getting reasonable offers from TMR. In one case I’m currently investigating, they don’t have much comparanda for the item, so I’m getting a pretty low offer. I’m going to stick it out on my own -- via USAM and perhaps Audiogon -- and see if I can’t do a bit better than TMR. At the moment, I’m more inclined to keep the bespoke item then let it go for their proposed offer. 

I have sold a number of units to them over the years and the experience has always been very good.

  1. You get an offer
  2. Accept or decline
  3. If you accept they will send you shipping labels
  4. Ideally you have the boxes so pack it up an put the labels they sent you on the box
  5. Drop off at shipping point or have the items picked up
  6. Wait for the deposit into your PayPal account


Easy every time. I dod agree the price is a bit lower than what you might get selling yourself. it is a trade off between ease of a transaction fro ma trusted source and the unknown of random buyer. I thought it was easier just working with TMR.


@hilde45 I know they can sell it but if I've safely shipped it to them I can risk shipping it to someone else. They are a great company. I agree,