A bit too "non-audiophile", but what are your favorite high-end tuners based on Looks?

Perhaps a bit too "non-audiophile", but what are your favorite high-end tuners based on Looks?


I’m a broken record, because I always mention this in tuner threads

REL-which inspired Saul Marantz to develop the 10B and then there’s everthing else

Nothing "non audiophile" about the REL Precedent or Marantz 10B.

My daily driver is a 1965 Mcintosh MR71. Not in that league, but a close 2nd(Modaferi modded)










Opps, anyway, that's what my Citation 18 tuner looks like. It looks even nicer on the inside if your into high quality military like build specs. Most boards are plug in and all the sockets have the wire's labeled on the chassis for easy service.

