10k Towers with biggest soundstage?

seeking recommendations on largest, tallest, widest soundstage from 10k-ish tower speakers

please and thanks



Crusty is spot on. You just can't tell by listening in some other room, other than their potential to perform, or not.

I agree with Danager.

 I have the GR-Research NX-Oticas, one step down from the NX-Tremes  and the soundstage is 10 feet deep behind the speakers and at least 3’ beyond the outside edges of the speakers.

These are open baffle speakers so somewhat like Maggie’s, only easy to drive.

 I have heard the NX-Tremes, and they have a somewhat larger soundstage, but they are very tall.  Low wife acceptance factor.


Watt Puppy’s would be (and is) my choice. When properly setup, they throw a large and extremely realistic soundstage 

The biggest realistic (not the freaking room size Klipsch monstrosities!) at AXPONA were the Muraudio hybrid speakers. Absolutely disappeared in the room and quite omni-directional in their presentation. One of the few room that actually stood out.