Fake Audiophiles

-In your opinion, what makes an Audiophile a true Audiophile?

-In your opinion, what do fake Audiophiles do that makes them fake?

I know these two questions open the door to all kinds of jokes but I'm looking for more thought out, honest opinions here.

Rumor has it I am a gen-you-wine bonafide audiophile in case a reference point is needed. 

The real audiophile is last one standing after debunking all the others in semi technical discussions and calling them dumb/ignorant/fake etc...

It is a pissing contest for vulnarable ego's that scream "listen to me"






The real audiophile is last one standing after debunking all the others in semi technical discussions and calling them dumb/ignorant/fake etc...

It is a pissing contest for vulnarable ego’s that scream "listen to me"

You are not wrong, we are all humans...I like to discuss myself too much... i plaid guilty for being passionnate abit too much...

But you forgot something in your rightful  claim:

Audio experience need to be WORKED and LEARNED...

it does not come by itself plugging anything in a wall...

Then i learned in audio forum and some motivated me...

Here like anywhere, there is the best and the worst...

The greatest sin will be to throw the baby with the bath muddied waters...

Dont commit this sin by impatience...

these are just words, let’s not overthink it

if someone loves well reproduced recorded music, and is willing to pursue it, work at it, spend money and effort to achieve it, they are an audiophile

same fundamental definition applies to any passionate hobby/pursuit...