By the way it is comical but also tragic to see grown men acting like children in a schoolyard, and instead of giving arguments, giving a gift approval point to someone they approve because he just insult or denigrate someone else instead of answering or discussing ...Inmates act like that too...Sheeps, children or mature, are sheeps...They feel better in a group where thinking is replaced by gestures...Before we were men, long time ago, we were apes without thinking smiles nor language...
Many people speak exactly like that all around the world right now, the gestures are only a propaganda sign conditioned system, they all obey it...
The conditioning by facebook tweeter, etc, instead of stimulating thinking, put people in the gestures labelling zoo....
It is life... 😁😊
But we could agree on what makes a denigrating post and then track whether posts are becoming more or less civil over time.
So much like the topic of the thread, that could be measured.
Right now we have feelings and magic.
- Feelings and emotions for the music.
- Feelings and emotion for the arguments and posts.
- And the magic of earth and cosmic vibrations.
- Versus trhe magic of strings and wood wind vibrations.