My counsel is to let the JJ tubes burn in for a while.
Based on the information you've shared about your system I think it is too early to attribute any specific aspects of the sound to the JJ tubes. There are so many aspects of the system that could affect the sound. Rolling tubes can be fun but can also be "throwing money at a problem".
I notice that there are folks on the internet who like to state their opinion as if it is a "fact". My experience is that the impact/signature of a particular type of tube on a system can be affected by many variables above and beyond the tube. "Expectation" and popular opinion can be major influences here. For instance, if there's a thread on the 'net in which many folks are jumping on the bandwagon there's a temptation (at least for me) to join the party and hope that my experience mirrors that of the others on the thread. It's human nature. It's not a big deal. IMHO it does suggest that there's no reason to be in a hurry to roll tubes. Instead, maybe, play with speaker placement. Or adjust the trim pot on a tweater (if your speakers have them). Or unplug/re-plug your interconnects and dress your cables. Try a "non-critical" listening session. Have the music on while you're working, reading, puttering around the house. Let the system settle and burn in. Give it a month before you do any critical assessment.
Just my .02 and other's mileage may vary...