Power Cord for DAC

I am looking for a power cord to use with a Bricasti DAC.  Looking for good tone and timbre and a slightly dark sound.  

Price range 1000-1500.

Candidates thus far: Zenwave Audio, Purist Audio and Kimber Kable.

Any ( constructive ) suggestions would be appreciated.

Happy Memorial Day to all.



It would be really useful to see your whole system in its venue… as in post photos under your userid of your system. 

I would look at Transparent assuming you are happy with the tonal balance of all your components.


Top sellers are Audio Quest, Transparent, and WireWorld… and I would add Cardas if your balance is slightly analytical. 

I have a Bricasti M5, not a DAC, with their LPS built in.  I asked them about upgrading the power cord and they said the stock cord is ideal and not necessary. I did try some upgrades and did not hear any improvement in my system. Not sure if your DAC is similar.  Good luck with it all.

use anything that's OCC single Crystal like zenwave, Harmonic technology, acoustic Zen and Neotech and rectangular OCC is the best for power cords not cheap though.