Too many choices for R2R DACS--opinions appreciated

So I've decided to treat myself to a new DAC to celebrate a rather significant birthday coming up, and I'm very intrigued by the new generation of DACs employing R2R technology. Reviews have been unrelentingly positive, but I have way too many choices now, so I'd appreciate some opinions from any of you who may have had a chance to compare some of them. Price range: about $3K (with some slight headroom if the right DAC warrants it). I've looked at reviews for Audio-GD, Denafrips, Sonnet, and the new one from Jay's Audio (which doesn't yet seem to have any reviews that I can find). 

I'll be replacing a DAC that I actually really like, an Abbingdon Music Research DP-777 (not SE) which I've had for a few years now, but from what I read about the R2Rs, they appear to produce a sound I might like even better. 

Listening preferences: mostly classical, some folk, some Broadway, and I never  totally outgrew my taste for the good ol' rock music I grew up with. 

Rest of the system: Modwright KWI-200 integrated, Cambridge Audio CXU disc spinner, Ryan R610 speakers, Rel S2 sub. Cables: Audience & Cardas. (This all might be a bit TMI, but let's cover all the bases).

Your opinions gratefully received. Thanks!



@cooper52 That is an excellent summary of the Sonnet and consistent with my experience of it. I know folks who actually prefer the old Metrum DACs, exactly for that reason -- less resolution, yes, but more fullness to the sound.

The spinner is a huge weak link in revealing what any quality dac can reveal, compared to much newer designs. I, too thought I needed to upgrade to an R2R from my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5 dac/pre when using either a Marantz HD-CD 1 or Oppo 105 with ~$500 in aftermarket power supply area upgrades.

The Marantz mechanism died and I replaced it with a Audiolab 6000CDT (MSRP $600). Comparing it to my 105, playing the same disc, but the hybrid layer vs the SACD layer, the 6000 was a very clear winner, so I sold the 105. If you have $3K to spend consider the new Project spinner


Update (yet again): the Morpheus has been doing its thing in my system for about 12 days now, and an interesting thing has happened. Either it has opened up some after quite a few hours of run-time, or my ears and sensibilities have accustomed themselves to the way it presents the sound, or possibly a combination of both. Since it wasn't new when I bought it, I assumed it had been entirely burned in, but maybe not entirely. In any case, I'm really starting to love what I'm hearing now. The slight flatness I was hearing before has resolved itself into smoothness, and I don't find myself pining for the slightly rounder-but-less-precise sound of the AMR DAC that the Morpheus replaced. Had to do a bit of experimentation with inputs, as previously I had been running both the TV sound and my Cambridge Audio disc spinner through a Wyred4Sound Remedy Reclocker which converts everything to 24/96 resolution. It's a big help with TV sound which can only be connected through optical cable, but I found that the disc spinner sounded far more natural and appealing connected directly to the DAC via coax (I'd love to try AES/EBU, but the CA spinner doesn't offer that connection) and playing CDs at their native 16/44.1 resolution. 

So I think the Sonnet Morpheus is going to keep its place in my system for a good long while. Falling in love with it was a slow process, but I'm there now. If I get itchy for further upgrade, I have a pretty good sense of which direction to go, but that won't be soon. 

Thanks again to all for the helpful comments and information.

A thoughtful report, and congrats on having found a DAC that makes you happy!

Just saw on Headfi forum that Gustard is about to come out with a new R to R DAC called the R26.