There is an acoustic minimal threshold of satisfaction...
Passed over this threshold we listen music, and dont ask ourself each week about the next piece of gear to upgrade...
Because electrical, mechanical and acoustic controls installation at the end matter way more than electronical gear pieces price tag choices...( relatively to our wallet possibilities)
Is my system the better?
Is my system so satisdying that i am no more interested in alectronic design audio marketing ?
Am i an audiophile?
I was, but now i am a music lover first and last and dont bother with my sound so much...
Why then were you an audiophile to begin with ?
Because i loved music so much i wanted a MINIMAL threshold acoustic S.Q. experience...
How do you discover this threshold?
After upgrading to the right S.Q. /price quality gear (vintage save for the dac whose chip is a vintage one anyway) i make listenings experiments about the three embeddings working dimensions and i learned to control them at low cost and my own way...
I am not really an active audiophile now...
I learned HOW to listen in the process...
We must learn how to listen musically...
We must learn how to listen acoustically...
These two way of listening are always related but are always completely distinct...
There is no shortcut in listenings experiments, nor musically, nor acoustically...
My hobby is and was learning how to listen WITHOUT focussing on market upgrading...