What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly?

What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly?

I have a good quality system and I am looking for better quality cables for all connections.

Denefrips Terminator DAC
Martin Logan Expression ESL 13A Electrostatic Speakers
Pass Labs 260.8 Mono Amplifiers (2)
PS Audio BHK PreAmplifier
Sony Blu Ray UBP-X800 CD/Blu Ray Player
SVS PB 16-Ultra Subwoofer

I am looking for good quality cables sold directly to the consumer.  I am currently using no name, better than average, cables.  I refuse to pay the 100 % markup of the better line of cables that are sold through middlemen.  I am looking for companies that have had very good reviews.

This is NOT to be a discussion as to whether or not cables make a difference.

Thank you to all for your assistance.


The best? Who knows as it’s very taste/system dependent, and then there’s budget that I don’t think you specified. Good news is pretty much all have generous trial periods, so read reviews and have at it! Cullen makes very good and reasonably-priced cables as does Audio Envy, Triode Wire Labs, Darwin, and Zavfino among others. One that flies under the radar and if you’re into silver cables is LavriCable — I’ve got a few of their cables and they’re great with both excellent transparency and musicality, which is a tough act to pull off. Best of luck.

Thank you to all who have responded.  I had no idea there were so many cable companies that could fulfill my needs.  I will follow up on every suggestion and make up my mind based on the information contained on the cable company's website and your suggestions and advice.

Again I truly appreciate all this wonderful and speedy help.


"I will follow up on every suggestion and make up my mind based on the information contained on the cable company's website and your suggestions and advice."

That should take you a couple of years...if you're retired that is.



I do have another recommendation. Do NOT make a decision based on the information on the manufacturer’s web site. I am not saying it is wrong… it is just not helpful in decision making. If it tells you all about their technology… it just doesn’t matter. It is what it sounds like in your system, with your components in your audio room.


I recommend reading reviews… from legitimate sources, Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, and HiFi+. Also, listen to some and see what they do in your system and compare with reviews. If your system is very modest… great interconnects may do nothing, if it is intermediate or high end it could be jaw dropping. I have spent hundreds of hours evaluating for my systems. I recently tried out a $7K cable from a very high end company… it sounded terrible… this is very uncommon, but can happen.


If your system is already leaning to be too detailed and trebly… a really good clear set of interconnects can tip it over it over into the fatiguing side. While warm ones would provide a heftier mare natural sound. Generally copper is warm, silver coated copper is warm with added details and silver is very detailed but can be harsh. But the design of a good cable can override the underlying material.