@robones54 Agree with you on Sirius radio sound quality. However, streaming sound quality extremely variable depending on source and streaming equipment. I've had high end cd transports in past, my present streaming setup exceeds any cd playback I had, also exceeds pretty nice present vinyl setup. One can have both vast music selection and highest sound quality with streaming
. I also find it odd that some claim they have greater selection with physical media vs. streaming, I have at least 2500 cds and 3500 lp's, extremely rare any of this physical media not available with streaming. Much more likely, streams not available on any physical media, many releases will never be available on physical media, either due to being cut outs or having never been released on physical media.
I observe a lot of disdain for more contemporary artists and releases due to disdain for streaming technology and perhaps the entire zeitgeist of contemporary society. There is a burgeoning 'culture of complaint' out there, many turn away, or purposely choose ignorance to avoid having to interface with new artists they assume are part of a culture/society they don't like. Too bad, so many wonderful messages and feelings evoked by many contemporary artists! On streaming front, no media is perfect, avoiding streaming for unjustified prejudicial reasons denies one a wonderful musical experience.