Hey @wolf_garcia if you don’t mind me asking, which output tube set are you running in your Inspire to compare to the XA-25? The other reason I ask is I found my former DH Hot Rod Inspire with smallish transformers just not have the drive, sound stage, or presentation I was hoping for. Some of it speaker match related, yes. I still run one of Dennis’ former 98 preamps too, was part of my former Cary amp setups too, fwiw. Also a xa25 fan, and coda fan, and a few around me comparing FW and Pass lower watt amps on occasion. Being located right near both factories and have a bunch of pass friends around me, and with a dealer who’s carried both in the past - fun to compare. Wanted to keep trying tubes to see how close I could get to the sound you mention.
Went a different direction with my tube mono blocks and super glad I did. Running the same tubes I had in my former Inspire, now in QS Mono 120s, its very nice. Against the status quo, my QS are tweaked up some with really good caps and better small signal/driver tubes. While not truly SET or strapped triode like Dennis did with his former PSE amps, I find these better for my own setup, more true to the sound, cleaner, better separation, more expansive, and when the stout transformers warm up for 60+ minutes, it’s good. Used the exact same type/model caps I had in some of the former amps too, in order to keep it closer for comparisons.
Curious to know, have you ever had the chance to hear or try a pair of newer well-tubed Quicksilver tube monos with your aforementioned Hersey III, IVs?