What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?

Consider both designs are done right and your other equipment is well matched with the speakers.  Do you have any preference when it comes to sound quality?  Is it matter of economic decision when it comes to price? - power amps can become very expensive when power goes up, on the other hand large,  efficient speakers are expensive as well.  Is your decision based on room size?  I'd love to hear from you on the subject. 


@phusis wrote: 

The EV horns of mine both have a diffraction slot and sharp edges at the mouth area, and so may set the alarms ringing in many a horn-audiophiles’ head, but they actually sound very smooth after being properly implemented with mentioned DSP filter-actions above.

Good phrase - "alarms ringing" since that's what the sharp edges cause worry of - ringing. I get the impression from my listening that the ringing back to the throat is generally fast enough that it doesn't cause the kinds of issues that I thought - peaky, ear piercing response types of sounds, although perhaps it can if the horn is big enough. I've heard some of the really big diffraction horns bothered people in the past but it could be they just weren't well equalized. So I think I agree with you that properly equalized diffraction throat horns can still sound quite smooth and natural, although some imaging and detail might be obscured. The better high frequency dispersion may be more than worth it in many scenarios. 

I always thought it was slots or discontinuities in the THROAT of a horn that could often cause a “spitty” or sibilant sound compared to an identical horn with a smooth throat…

@johnk wrote:

I prefer high efficiency but I don’t undersize my systems so I get bass into the 20-30hz range on most systems. I find higher eff designs to have a more realistic sound quality if done right. But many are too compromised in size. But sadly so are most of the loudspeakers offered today. Shipping costs and material costs all lead to smaller and smaller designs. I get 1 tear in my eye at audio shops it’s all too small.

My sentiment exactly!

Also, per the comments above regarding horn speakers not imaging, my JBL hybrid horn speakers image well. The JBLs have an efficiency of 2.7% they were manufactured in 1981. Happy imaging! 😎




I've had many fine speakers over the years & while there are no hard & fast rules regarding music reproduction, I think that generally high efficiency speakers sound more like live music than lower ones. Its not just a simple matter of more watts to compensate for lower efficiency. The dynamics & transient response for myself are what differentiate good sounding "hifi" systems to ones that actually can sound like live music. I've heard a few, very expensive lower efficiency speakers driven by very expensive heroic, 100 lb. + , 2 + foot long amps that can do this but you can buy one very nice, very fast Ferrari or McLaren for that kind of money (w/ a decent sounding stereo system...) of two or three pretty nice German, decked out sedans (also w/ good sound systems -  for a car).  Crazy $$ for a few lucky folks.

Of course, as others mentioned to get good bass that can play loudly & high efficiency, he need to have a large speaker w/ a large woofer or two which can also be somewhat pricey. Along w/ that can come some limitations at the frequency extremes & coloration, especially from some horn loaded speakers. I think there is a trend today to connect multiple smaller woofers in parallel to gain efficiency at the expense of reasonable impedance loads which can cause undue strain on less than very good amps & thus potential distortion. 

I found & now own what I consider to be an excellent balance between all these factors, the Volti Audio Rivals. They're made in TN,  "reasonably "priced (about $15K), substantial but not crazy large & sound excellent. They're horn loaded midrange & tweeter w/ a 15" paper cone ported woofer. They're very dynamic, big sound but also quick & detailed, image well w/ very solid bass although not "bat frequency extended" on the high end. They can fill a large room w/ very good sound like few other speakers can at anywhere near their price range. With a good tube amp, they sound like live music & are tons of fun!