Help in deciding which tube preamp to replace my old SFL-2

I'm a long time audiophile. I am finally admitting that it is time to upgrade my tube preamp. For many years it has been my beloved Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 which was upgraded at Parts Connexxion about eight years ago and five years ago I changed out the 6922's to Siemens Rohre CCA tubes. Still sounds wonderful, but it's time. I am exclusively a vinyl listener and my system is: Nottingham table with Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge. Aesthetix Rhea Signature phono preamp fed to the SFL-2 via  balanced interconnects. Primaluna EVO 400's as monoblocks with new KT88's and vintage European small tubes. I also still have my Levinson 27.5 and 23 SS amps. Speakers are Avalon Acoustics Opus. All cables are Transparent Audio Ultras. Musical preference is mostly classic rock; Steely Dan, Dire Straits, Cars, Eric Clapton, etc... but have over 3,000 LP's and do listen to Sinatra quite often. Love string guitars. I plan to buy used, and my budget is around $10K. I've narrowed it down to the following: VTL 7.5 (III), CJ GAT, AR Ref 5SE of Ref 6, Concert Fidelity CF-080 LSX V3, or an Aesthetix Callstio Eclipse.

I respect all comments, criticisms, and suggestions. Thank you.



I use my partner in audio decisions… she has better hearing… she may not know the vocabulary of care about it… she instantly hears hardnessan distortion and says she does not like it.


MAC gear is highly respected and owned by many. However, it does not appeal to many of us because of its lack of detail. Rock music… particularly with B&W speakers can sound fantastic. It is a matter of taste.

I have never owned Octave gear but I did hear their stuff at RMAF.  You might add their pre to your considerations.


Octave Pre

Since you apparently love the Rhea and the Callistio is on your list, have you considered an Io Eclipse w/volume to replace both? Maybe a call to Jim White to bounce that alternative off him vs. the option you mentioned. 

Another great preamp that is worthy of consideration is the Backert Labs Rhythm. Cheers,


Art Dudley reviewed the EAR-Yoshino 912, and said it was the first pre-amp he had heard which tempted him to replace his beloved Shindo. Designed and built by tube uber-expert Tim de Paravicini, very well known and respected by his peers, ignored by audiophiles.

I second the EAR recommendation and will also recommend the CAT Ultimate or whatever it’s called nowadays.

Both have exceptionally good line AND phono stages -- both.

FWIW, I have compared the 912 with AR ref 6 and, excellent though the AR may be, the EAR is clearly (empirically speaking) superior.

The CAT’s dynamic swings are better than the EAR, but the detail reproduction and naturalness of the 912 are outstanding.