Good-sounding audio components?

How do you decide if something is worth buying? Are there any hints or typical things you look for? 


For DACs, headphone amplifiers, CD players etc.


All of the above.    It is an easy hobby to make big money mistakes on.  That's for sure.    I always try to listen to the product,  what ever it may be.  Thats's often difficult depending on where you live.

I always try to buy something that is low risk, 30 day trial, maybe used equipment that I can buy at a good price and there is minimal risk.

Avoid lateral moves.   If you really like something and its a bit out of your budget, save and buy that ,rather than something that is just ok

All of the above, and I would add try to audition a piece in your own system.  If there are still bricks and mortar stores in your area and they will allow for such a thing, then great, but I would also strongly reward them by giving them your business and not stiffing them by purchasing  for 5% cheaper on the Internet.  If that isn't possible, buy from a company that has a good return policy, and be prepared to pay a restocking fee.

I try to buy from sellers who offer a return policy so I can hear gear in my system, in my room. 

I got burned very early, basing purchases on showroom demos and vowed to never make that mistake again. 

That being said, there will be circumstances where this is not possible and you'll  have to decide, based on reviews, whether you want to take a risk. Purchasing  used, in-demand/well-reviewed components that can easily be re-sold is a way to minimize the downside of \such risk-taking.