To preamp or not to preamp. That is the question.

I have recently set up a second system from some previously owned components which I though I would use for occasional listening as I have a better rig in a dedicated music room. Yet I find I'm listening to it more than expected and want to optimize it.

I use only a single source, a Bluesound Node 2i, feeding directly into a Forte 4a Class A power amp and some Totem Model one signatures speakers. No preamp! Controlling the volume with the BlueOS app, the system plays loud enough for my listening needs but I know the output of the Node is on the low side for the power amp. I'm not looking to upgrade the current speakers, amp or streamer. Other than having more gain, would adding an active preamp bring anything to the table other than more expense and additional "stuff" in the audio chain. What has been the experience of other members been who have gone this route?



I think for around 1000 USD you may get a second hand Threshold FET ten, which is probably still one of the most transparent preamp ever built.It will reveal any change in your equipment, and will be soon moved to your main system.

I had a similar question, a fee weeks ago, and comparing the direct DAC ouput with the usage of the pre, I had no doubts: to preamp, there is no question.

Any change on DAC volume lead to a degraded sound, while any change on preamp volume was completely transparent.

Usage of preamp let me to setup the DAC at his best (fixed max volume), and let the preamp manage volume.

My two cents: A few years ago I was using a Mytek Manhattan as a DAC .  Amplification was Parasound, the JC pre and power amps.  Had a problem with the pre and it took weeks to get it repaired so I tried using the Manhattan as the pre.  Mytek was marketing it as a pre/DAC combo.  The sound was harsh and fatiguing. After a few weeks I inserted my prior preamp, a Cary SLP3, a tubed preamp that cost around two grand at the time.  I fell in love with the Cary and now the Parasound remains in storage..

  Especially considering that the Node is the current preamp in the discussion here, I think an active preamp, virtually any active preamp, will be an improvement.  I think the suggestion that only $15K will bring the desired result is silly.  First off, it’s a second system, and that kind of expenditure is probably not possible, and would be outsized compared with the rest of the components.

  Since the OP is Canadian, I would be looking for a used Bryston preamp.  I am assuming that Bryston ownership is more prevalent in Canada, and therefore there may be more used Bryston equipment available than in the U.S.  Bryston makes great amplification and they have a 20 year warranty, which is transferable.  The alternative would be to go tubed, and Rouge Audio might fit the bill here

One way of looking at this, since it is your second system is that you have an opportunity to do something fun, as opposed to good enough.

Ever fascinated with the idea of a real warm and romantic sound? From your other post… this sounds like it could be a winner. Or a very polite detailed sound… I couldn’t find your components. But this is a great opportunity to explore a different sounding system.

I had always wanted to try “the 300B” sound… so a few years ago I upgraded my headphone system to a high end 300B sound. I was so overwhelmed by the beautiful sound it caused me to completely revamp my main system away from highly detailed / slam oriented system to a much warmer more musical system. This was the best and largest shift my system took in fifty years.


I had always wanted to try “the 300B” sound… so a few years ago I upgraded my headphone system to a high end 300B sound. I was so overwhelmed by the beautiful sound it caused me to completely revamp my main system away from highly detailed / slam oriented system to a much warmer more musical system. This was the best and largest shift my system took in fifty years

Understood. Let your ears and natural spontaneous reactions guide the way. Let it be limbic system dominant.
