I don't have 20 or 10 minutes watching a stranger for pure entertainment value.
I beginning to realise that I don't either.
My watch later list on YouTube is now over 100 videos now!
Couldn't I just have one month to myself?
Oh well, I guess when you sign up for marriage and kids you need to read the small print about the risks of giving up most of your spare time for at least 20 years or so.
I better learn something if I spend the time that I could use for other things.
Great attitude. How I wish they'd have given us something like Robert Lacey's Great Tales from English History books to read when I was at school.
I despise the public education system in the UK because it feels as if only those who can afford private schooling should have the privilege of being taught the history of their own country.
The rest of us got next to nothing.
Despite being a graduate most of my learning has been on an ad hoc basis, in my own time. The same applies to my knowledge about loudspeakers. What I have learnt is that it seems to be one of those subjects where the designer very quickly runs into one compromise or another.
In fact there are probably only a handful of no-holds-barred attempts at designing the perfect loudspeaker.
As @larryi said, "Earlier speakers that were all out assaults on sound quality were gigantic in size."
Well that automatically rules out 99.9% of the loudspeakers built today.
Andrew Jones himself seems to be suggesting as much here in this episode from the Occasional Podcast. It's certainly worth a listen and there's a lot worse you can listen to during the daily commute to work.