I don't think we disagree. The technology is important. I just think the particular sound the designer is shooting for is much more important to the sound. One can get very close to any particular sound chosen with technology from the past. With the hyper-detailed sound of some speakers, the past, might mean only a decade or two back, with the kind of sound of the Amati, slightly older technology will do. As to speed and resolution, there are plenty of older drivers that can achieve this while still sounding warm and relaxed like your Sonus Faber Amati drivers, but the ones I can think of are pretty expensive and much more impractical and certainly cannot be packaged as beautifully as your speaker (e.g.,Jensen field coil M-10 drivers).
That is not to say that the design of such speakers is easy--it takes a lot of knowledge, experience and experimentation to achieve the kind of sound that Sonus Faber achieves. That design, and correctly employing whatever technology is available, is the main reason these speakers deliver the kind of sound that you and I like.