New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



I am not surprised that John Atkinson favorably reviewed them in the new issue of S'Phile. I am surprised that he a) spent three times as much space describing Andrew Jones' design process as he did with listening notes b) completely ignored his magazine's widespread love for the Devore O/96 and O/93 when declaring how novel it is to make a two way design with a 10" woofer and c) failed to attribute any significance to the fact that the professionals employed to maximize the SQ in his room resorted to mounting them on his speaker stands horizontally bringing to mind Bose 901's. That last clause is tongue-in-cheek. Mostly. 

One thing that DID NOT surprise me is that he did not use vinyl as a source or tube amps with them. I will not question JA's integrity-I believe it to be impeccable. I do question-sometimes-the credibility of his subjective impressions and his ability to review components in a manner that will appeal to and be meaningful to a broader audience than he/thy/himself. 

This is not an expensive speaker so there has to be some compromises on parts quality.  But, I heard the speaker and it sounds quite good to me and I think it is quite nice looking to boot. Unless one has heard it and seen it, I don’t see how one can be very critical.

fsonicsmith:   The stereophile review isn't online yet.  How did they measure?