Room treatment ideas for annoying external noises

big challenge is dealing with noises that come from outside the room.

Noisy landscapers from your neighbors, a dog barking, and inside from the refrigerator compressor buzzing all the time.

Anyone try to deal with these noises and how best to do it?? Thanks


Better windows, noise blocking doors with air tight seals are a place to start.  Noise blocking  curtains as well. After that you are talking about double layered drywall.

I used to have the same problem. Too much external noise.

1) Look in to noise reduction coefficient materials (such as panels, fabric blinds, ) and how best to apply them on walls or around the areas where the most noise is present. Higher rating = better.

2) Hire a contractor to suggest windows that have the best NRC. Double-glazed windows are probably one of the best options.

3) Change when you listen to/enjoy music on your audio system. I have found that midnight to 3 AM is the best time for me. Depending on the weather (such as snow) there may not be as many noisy folks around. Nowadays, noise is not as much of a concern where I live.

4) The "noise" you talk about is obviously normal, and not a cause for concern since almost every neighborhood has this problem. However, higher levIels of external noise in neighborhoods can increase cirme, since thieves are smart enough to know that noise (especially late at night) can mask the sounds associated with someone trying to break in. There is research on this topic and it happened where I used to live (another nice suburb).

5) Buy a solid-wood door and other damping materials (such as an under-door draft blocker and thermal Insulated door curtain).

As for the fridge, best to call a tech and have that fixed.




Yeah. That is a real problem. Expensive sound proofing and choosing when you listen are probably it… unless moving is a possibility.


I just really lucked out three sides of my listening room are underground. 

Noise is out of control. Beg neighbors to stop hiring lazy landscapers who use leafblowers. 

Support any local attempts to ban leafblowers and enforce noise regulations.

Record dogs and play back barking when neighbors think they are going to have peace and quiet. Use supertweeter arrays to blast dogs with ultrasonics.