what cd player ?

looking for suggestions for a cd player in the $1k -1300 range.


I bought a Emotiva ERC-4 to replace a old MH cdp.  It has inputs for a digital signal if you want to use it for streaming.  Built like a tank, around $600 new.  Great sound

I bought a used Marantz SA-14 back in 2003 that is still going strong and sounds wonderful, still have an even older Denon I use with the den system and also have an old Rotel in the garage that is nice and has been bullet proof.

Lots of nice old players out there that I'm sure you could pick up cheap but it I were in the market for a new player, I'd probably buy that Yamaha that winoguy17 posted. I had a Yamaha back in the 80's that sounded great.

  • Audiolab CDT9000 just dropped. Paul Rigby placed in higher standing than the 6000, consistent with the difference in price. I’d personally try that one, although haven’t even heard the 6000CDT:



Simple question find a Cary 306 SACD player and send it to me for upgrades. It will be the last CDP you buy ever!

Happy Listening.