

Over the years I have kept most, but not all, of the original-equipment boxes that came with my gear.  With that being said, I recently upgraded my speakers and plan to re-sell my older speakers. 

Q - Do the original speaker-boxes have value to potential buyers (for retail outlets? for over-seas markets? other?)

Thanks in advance for any insight...



Ag insider logo xs@2xinagroove


Having the original boxes makes selling and shipping much easier. 


I tried to get original replacement boxes for some ATC 19 speakers and the distributor said they sell them for about $300 for a set because they come assembled only and not flat from England.  Really?  Keep the boxes.

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all of insightful responses.  I will speak with my wife... ;-)

and Happy Valentine's Day 2023

I've kept all of my boxes for my current system---I have a few boxes from my vintage system (>30 years old). I wish I had ALL the boxes from my vintage system so I'd say keep them if you can. You can always break them down to save space.