HoloAudio STREAMER is out now

I've read lots of discussions about streamers, especially about how to get value for less than several thousand $$'s. The typical responses include Bluesound, Innuous, iFi, Raspberry Pi, Cambridge, and probably a couple others I'm missing. 

People LOVE the Holo Audio DAC's -- the May, the Spring, e.g. 

Now they have a streamer. It's less than $1k. I wonder if anyone has it or has compared it?



My Node 2 died a few months ago. I don’t stream much but I like the fact it is a DDC along with streamer and can output I2S. Thinking I might order one soon. Would love to hear some more personal impressions of it but might just bite the bullet. 

@hilde45 Can you take your Node to the dealer and compare on the system used there?  That may supply some of the desired evidence. Thanks for the post.

@mesch I hope to take it back to my audiophile friend's house to compare with his system as the stable variable(s).

I hope to take it back to my audiophile friend's house to compare with his system as the stable variable(s).

@hilde45 , that would be excellent! 
If you’re able to do so, please post your impressions.
