Good Suggestions for Tube Amps under 6k

I wanted to see if there were any group suggestions for an integrated tube amp or tube / solid-state combo under 10k or, even better, under 6k. Still looking for my final purchase in this part of my system.  Thanks everyone.


@gregjacob Daedalus custom-made speakers


Which model are they closest to from the Daedalus line?

The reason I’m asking is wondering about the impedance of your speakers.


Mods, upgrades to PL400?  - 

Was looking up your existing PL400 amp too. I’ve never heard one. Always wondered, an associate has one with some speakers we built in common. He likes his.  Looking over some two year old specs, shows they may run the plate voltage pretty low on that amp of yours to spare output tubes long-long term. Might benefit more with the smaller opt tubes vs. the larger KT tubes. i.e. "keeping it in the window" for the specific tube -  as one tech I follow mentioned recently. I’ve never heard that amp, always wondered why some owners resale or try others. Might be fun to have a handy tech to scope it out for mods before buying any more tubes for it.

Also wondering if Upscale Audio has ever done any ultra-upgraded versions of that amp quietly in the diy underground by someone. Maybe more potential there too. Only mentioning this b/c all of my amps are modded, upgraded, and with helpful tech friends have realized some amazing improvements with even better parts. 


Best tube amp at any price VAC 70/70 Ren mk 3 Find one used. You will not regret it. The other amps are fine but not like this amp.