user poll on seperates vs integrated

Hey guys, I wanted to try and crowd-source some (likely very opinionated, unscientific) knowledge.  I've read about the benefits of separates (have only ever used integrated myself), and I'm wondering how those benefits compare to the benefits of higher end parts/assembly, when controlled for cost.


To put it more plainly, would you likely get better overall results from a $5000 preamp and $5000 amp, or from a $10,000 integrated, given the likely quality/components used in equipment in those price ranges.


If you're experienced both separates, and integrated amps that cost the equivalent of those separate parts added together, can you speak to which you preferred?


Thanks for weighing in.


my dream list with pros and cons mainly being the looks, the price and that most of them I never heard

Hegel H120

Parasound Halo HINT 6

Primare I35 Prisma

Simaudio Moon 600i v2

Moonriver 404 REFERENCE


I’ve read about the benefits of integrateds (have only used separates since my first integrated, which is still in use.)

Came back from monoblocks for convenience. Of most importance beyond usefulness to me is the feature set - RC everything (balance, mono, tape loop, etc.), processor loop(s), balanced in/out, at least 5 inputs, etc.

If I must have tube sound a myriad of buffers get me close enough, love my FOZ SSX. Much better Fosgate sound than the cheap SS unit that it replaced.

I do enjoy two tube headphone amps, both have SS output stages.

Most of the time I listen to ESLs through RC DACs feeding Class D SS power.

I can play HiFi

music 24/7 @ under 20 watts out of the wall.



Ok .. A year plus ago my budget was 15-16K. I purchased a McIntosh MA-12000, but suffered with room placement in that the equipment rack is between speakers, whereas a preamplifier and separate power amps would have allowed for the equipment rack along a side wall and balanced interconnects to the power amplifiers. Separates with added interconnects would have been of higher cost, but the dealer suggested that performance was also improved.  I’m happy with what I have,  but should have considered separates.

At that price many good sounding options either way.

Depends on what you value. Convenience/space savings versus flexibility.

Also what features you need or value

With integrated devices the professionals have integrated things for you. If you do it, that job is yours. Results can vary from top notch to not so great depending on how well you do the needed integration. That requires some technical knowledge to get it done right. Trial and error can be a long road that can  lead anywhere.

I've had both integrated and separate and both have their positives and negatives. Integrated amps can be very high quality and sound very good depending on what you get. Advantages are saving space and not having to buy an interconnect to connect the separates. If you normally upgrade your power cords, then you will also have that savings. Also integrated amps are built with synergy in mind so no worries about matching a preamp to an amplifier.

Separate amps and preamps have their own dedicated power supplies and chassis and have less likelihood of interfering with each other. Also, like others have said you have the added flexibility of only replacing one of them for an upgrade. Separates often sound better but this is highly depended on the comparison made and equipment.