ANTI-SKATE involved in the ASSERTIONS (aka ''premise''). We all
think in the same way: from premise to conclusions or deduction.
the LOGIC rules: wrong premise = wrong deductions or conclusions,
There is consensus in our forum that there is no consensus about
My first test record contained an part between grooves without grooves.
The so called ''blank-side''. To get the ''right skate'' the stylus should
stay in the same position; aka no skating of any kind= ''REST''.
Van den Hul was the first who, to my knowledge, warned against this
assumption (=premise). I was shoked because I owned my first tonearm
Sony 237 toghether with ADC 25 . The assumption was ''the hiigher the
price the better product''. According to the Emglish saying: ''I am not
rich to buy cheap stuff''. My Sony had an ingenious provision for anti-
skate designed to work in accordandance to record surface distaces.
Even the stylus shape was accounted for. Curiously ( ?) there was no
''copycat'' of this invention. Ergo : in the GROOVE cantilever/stylus combo
work different as on or at ''blank side''. Well the their TASK is to follow the
GROOVE. I..E the groove has , so to speak , the ''leading function''.
That is how I got my conclusions.