We can easily class reviews in Reviewers i trust, reviewers i dont know, and reviewers i distrust etc...
Speaking to do a statistical analysis of each acoustic factors with the specific words picked to describe them in reviews DONT PRECLUDE what is evident to do, classify the reviewers, once we did had identified our precise needs...
«One of my hand think the other walk» --Groucho Marx 🤓
+1 Mahgister’s idea that we do need multiple reviewers to help us converge. I disagree that this does not also include "taste" because we need to find a reviewer who communicates to us, aesthetically. So it’s about both.
My main problem with reviews is that they are too positive. Critical or negative reviews have a higher burden of proof; they’re forced to make a more detailed and stronger argument.
This is precisely WHY we are better to NEVER choose only reviewers with our esthetical and taste ONLY but especially MANY unknown people, average audiophiles who will pick other words to describe what a PAID pro reviewer will avoid and mitigate: the negative impact of his words choice...Infirmation rule ,confirmation goes after...
Chosing audio component has nothing to do with "taste" , we dont even know really the needs, the room, the ears, the components of the reviewer we like because we identify ourself with one aspect of his written ghost personnality ... Chosing audio components is about "acoustic factors" evaluation and impact not about "taste"...
What is not said in a review matter the most, and what is negative is the most important and must be investigate in a comparison with the words choice of others reviewers to infirm or confirm ...
What is positive means something ONLY by the added numbers of reviewers ...
«My two hands works better together without me»--Groucho Marx 🤓
«My hands need my brain more than me sometimes»--Groucho Marx 🤓