Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


every now and then i look at the dark ages virtual systems pages… of mine…

By the way we cannot judge a system by the "virtual system" image...

At all.... Save evident TOP of the world system as mike lavigne ...

Because i am hot temper i gave only images of my components now, not of my embeddings devices and modifications...Idiots were like flies over me with sarcasms... Answering all was tedious.. 😊

Anyway to judge a system we must listen the strucked cymbals attack , sustain, decay time...

We must hear the rise and sustain and decay of tonal timbre microplaying of an instrument , his varying texturing spectral envelope through the time envelope ..

We must listen piano note transients sustain and decay and the way the bass note reverberate and his sustained decay ... Each piano note must strike as a rifle bullet in slow motion aimed at our heart..

And we must feel the big turkisch drum halo of bass sound coming through our body... ( it is so with my headphone by the way.)..

We must locate the microphones position from the recording trade-off and then sense the location and not only the direction of sound sources...

Do you think you will see this on a photo of my 700 bucks system ?

i almost never look at the member system photos..

The only interesting detail for me anyway is the room acoustic...







By the way we cannot judge a system by the "virtual system" image...


The last time I posted my system online in a discussion here, some idiot who disagreed with something PM'd me about how my system couldn't possibly do what I said and that my listening position was X° off just by looking at my photos and couldn't possibly recreate the soundstage as I described it. He even "knew" the distance I sat at from the plane of the speakers without any showing of just where I sat. Must have been one of those remote viewers the military employed back in the day.

I read him the riot act in the thread. He never bothered me again. Do I want to go through that again with some know-it-all? Or join some exclusive club? Heck no.

If some here want to limit their discussions only to those who post their systems online, do me (us) a favor and use the camera emoji at the start and end of your post, alerting those who've done the same that only they will be responded to and taken seriously and the rest of us can bother not responding, wasting our time in the process.

All the best (you have to trust me on that one...no pictures),


you shouldn’t make decisions re what to post based on feedback from lowest common denominator types.  seems like it says more about you?

I second the proposal... it will be comical to see ... 😊



If some here want to limit their discussions only to those who post their systems online, do me (us) a favor and use the camera emoji at the start and end of your post, alerting those who’ve done the same that only they will be responded to and taken seriously and the rest of us can bother not responding, wasting our time in the process.