Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


Gotta love it when some wanna be weak tea authoritarian thinks this is his sandbox and tries to run roughshod (look it up) over others. This is the very same attitude he displayed on his first posts of this thread, like he was laying down the law. He deleted those. Never liked a wanna be bully, especially one who hides behind a keyboard.

Despite being put in his place (this is a very old argument) a few times already, he does what most do when confronted. He goes quiet, gets his nerve back up, and starts pounding his chest like some ape in the bushes.

Kind of reminds me of what those from ASR tried to do here. Dude, go right ahead with your silly stipulations but rest assured, not many, if any, are going to follow you on your silly crusade. If you get off on this, please seek help. Move on. You're going to embarrass yourself.

All the best,

«Some are too clever for their own good»--Groucho Marx🤓



we must NEVER segregate people on this basis...

we must NEVER segregate people on this basis...

1) If some people feel this is facebook and just like to talk, fine. (segment 1)

2) Then you got trolls that just want attention (segment 2)

3) Then you got noobs that generally need advice (segment 3)

4) Then you got "enthusiasts", the members with audio "kaizen" (look it up) that are saesoned experts. I don’t always agree with them, but they got their system down like THEY want, good (segment 4)

The people in segment 2 never post pics cuz they got nothing.

The people in segment 3 got no pics cuz they are noobs, all good.

The people that pretend they are in segment 4 that got no pics I reshuffle into segment 2. If they can’t even use a camera how in the hell can they operate a turntable or a streamer? Not. They got no business advising anyone, especially segment 3 cuz poor noobs will just burn a hole in their pocket listening to segment 2 trolls. Thus, a pic is generally a good way for people to see if someone is just in segment 1 (fine), or a flaming troll from segment 2. In other words a pic verifies if you are real segment 4 member or not.


Looks like this thread has degenerated into a few people flinging invective at each other, as many threads tend to do.  Pity because there are some interesting takes on interesting issues buried within. 
  I posted my main system, but I think that such a requirement is unnecessary.  Ultimately we aren’t able to covey what our systems, no matter how costly they may get, actually sound like in a given room.  Even if we were able to post audio files here, the sound would be changed by the limitations of the site and the play back equipment of the user

.  Why stress out the members who are having technical issues?  I literally spend hours a day having to deal with IT issues.  These “Labor Saving Digital Technologies “ have created more work in my world because of all the security issues, than effort that have spared before they were so prevalent.  People come here to relax, not be further tortured by IT issues 


 There is no way I could describe my system in one post, no way. If someone wants to know how to put diffusors up in there room I could yammer and stammer for a while OR yammer and then end with, see my system as an example.

If someone asks how do I improve my center channel I could drone on about center channels and in reality only have a two channel system at home OR say look, I aligned my tweeters of all 3 front speakers on the same plane. Then, I added a second center channel above my 120 inch screen to anchor the dialogue better. Without pics good luck figuring out how to do that.

Now, let's say I ask for help re: MY system. Do you know much better advice I get here when my system is posted already? It's like specific, dialed in. 
So if you want to take advantage of the collective brain trust of segment 4 "enthusiasts" and avoid the collective brain drain nonsense of segment 2 trolls, post pics,