Gotta love it when some wanna be weak tea authoritarian thinks this is his sandbox and tries to run roughshod (look it up) over others. This is the very same attitude he displayed on his first posts of this thread, like he was laying down the law. He deleted those. Never liked a wanna be bully, especially one who hides behind a keyboard.
Despite being put in his place (this is a very old argument) a few times already, he does what most do when confronted. He goes quiet, gets his nerve back up, and starts pounding his chest like some ape in the bushes.
Kind of reminds me of what those from ASR tried to do here. Dude, go right ahead with your silly stipulations but rest assured, not many, if any, are going to follow you on your silly crusade. If you get off on this, please seek help. Move on. You're going to embarrass yourself.
All the best,