Why Can't Modern Tube Manufacturers Make a Proper Tube?

Current tube manufacturers, at least the ones I have tried should be utterly ashamed at their ineptness, apathy, ignorance, or whatever it is that makes them seemingly unable to make a tube properly.

And I never knew what I was missing before I tried reclaimed tubes from the 1950's, an era where people build things instead of ruining things.

The present manufactures are said to have the actual machinery to make tubes for which they have examples in hand and schematics on file, but they just can't do it.

Is this a case of Idiocracy? Are people just stupid today? The world and all creation do follow the 2nd rule of thermodynamics so I guess this is the case.

Listening to Black Plate RCA’s and Mullards in my system, even for a short time made it glaringly obvious that modern manufactures are embarrassingly inadequate. There is absolutely no comparison.

Why can't modern tube manufacturers make a proper tube?

1. lack of IQ?

2. Apathy? 

3. Lack of Materials?

4. Lost knowledge? 



I've got contemporary WE 300B's made in Georgia (the state, not the country) - those are awesome tubes that made my amp sound like an upgraded model, if there's been one. Expensive indeed, but worth it if it's what you like. 

I have been running 8 A-matched Sophia Electric EI-34’s in my Primaluna and have been very pleased with them. Not cheap though.

Several here stated having true success with new production tubes, and compared to their vintage tubes. Inventory is starting to pick up again for the new big bottles.

It’s worth noting where Sophia Electric and some of these tubes are actually OEM manufactured and labeled. That info is usually found on other forums.

As long as there is some performance guarantee, and we deal with reputable tube resellers, it should keep tube amp fans going for a while longer. Happy Listening!

Tube Technology like all technology is a dog that had its day, but more importantly from the Hey Day the Tech' was all about the people involved in the production.

It is safe to say the Tube was replaced by the much less power hungry Transistor and the Transistor by its function is quite Tube like when used in a audio circuit, as in its earliest guise it is a not too complex simi conductor, it has limited functions to which it is dedicated.

The Transistor was already mainstream in the 1950's, so the idea of Valve Production Plant's trying to compete was most likely a commercial suicide, the writing was on the Wall.  n 

Where the real changes are most likely to have occurred, is a result of War in Mainland Europe the Factories that had brought on the skill sets to be creative and innovative were losing their employees at a fast rate to the War Effort and as a story of tragedy, not many were to return, and plenty that did return, may not have been able to fall into life as it was once known.

Factories were pretty much set back and as they were trying to get back to their pre-war status, the Transistor was fast coming through as the more attractive option.

The Wars of the Twentieth Century, in conjunction with the follow up Arms Races are most likely why there is such a history over the past 40 Years of NOS, as most Tubes are from a substantial intinary of a Military Surplus released into the mainstream.

It would have been wonderful to have been blessed with the all seeing eye and have bought a Batch of Mullard ECC32's in the 90's, when they were a few £'ss each. 

The 32's are quite cheap in comparison to some other Brands, that not too many years past were very cheap finds.     


I must disagree that tubes have had their day in high end audio. Certainly from an overall perspective… consumer goods… etc. But in high end audio a number of companies attempted adoption and backed off because they could not reproduce with solid state designs the realism and musicality. Audio Research for instance, tried to us solid state and ultimately gave up. It is more like the advent of CDs and the renaissance of vinyl. I believe the vinyl renaissance is coming to an end, but not the tube.


At some point solid state will surpass tubes in the high end. But it is likely to be two or three decades away. I am living in the moment and want the best sound possible today… for me tubes provide that. It is also true for an awe full lot of folks with deep experience in high end audio.