For sure you are right on this...
A way to not antagonize older dude as me with stereo system and their 2 speakers is to investigate as you have already begun to do BACCH filters... Most audiophile have no idea of this revolution...It is all anybody need...
Very few people will transform their house with Atmos dolby many speakers system...
But they dont need to if they use BACCH...
Because they dont understand that they see many speakers system as costlier , complicated, artificial, limited , with a sound timbre degradation etc... This is not false especially if it is not well done...
Anyway in spite of your bad beginnings with your rash attitude toward members with no image of their system, you are enthusiastic and communicative ...
For the members that have 0 practical means to try object based audio I would recommend making channel based audio as immersive as possible using room treatments. Whenever I see a pic of a pair of expensive speakers next to a pristine selection of expensive components in a "naked" room it seems like a waste of good equipment. The acoustics in a room are at least 50% of the sound, maybe more.