Cable management....crossing at right angles or

Good morning,

I have been out of the hobby for a while, and now just getting things back into my system.

No matter how I try, I can't keep my cables isolated from each other, especially speaker and power. Is there anything besides the old saying of trying to cross at right angles, something..copper tape/Faraday sheets that you can put on the cables when they cross to reduce-eliminate interference or distortion/ EMI RFI?





Crossing this way or that cannot improve anything, it might eliminate a problem.

Theory is one thing, are you having any problems? If so, I would find the errant interconnect cable.

My cables have been this way and that, including many parallel for more than 50 years in many locations/setups.

Most cables, even the cheap ones included in the box are problem free, occasionally, you get a bad cable. Disconnect, Switch them one pair at a time, ....

I now twist my speaker cables, neg around pos, takes a bit of extra length to do that. Ran them un-twisted for years, again, parallel, no problem.

Using balanced interconnects may help if there is interference occurring from running cables parallel to each other.

I wish I had a dollar for every time I have had to reconfigure my rack and have vowed that this time the result will be neat and organized, only to end up in the same place.

A rats nest of wires with no discernible pattern. 



Unfortunately, same with me. I get the speaker cables out and on elevators… and generally I can separate the interconnect to my amp in front. But the audio racks have a rats nest.

I am sure it is in that category of tiny difference. But one you should avoid if you can. Tiny differences add up. But unless you have a huge room and lots of money (to buy extra lengths to allow crossing at right angles)… it will probably remain on one’s wish list.

Iv’e not heard of wraps or special tweats. But great question. One of the tweakers must have experimented. I look forward to hearing.