B&W CDM2 - looking for replacement woofer alternative

I have a pair of B&W CDM-2 booksehlf speaker. One woofer might be beyond repair. ZZ09929 seem to be the part number but can't find (and might be cost prohibitive even if B&W would ever get them back in). 

I have zero details of the woofer. If someone has info, please post. 

Aside from keeping my eyes open for a cheap sinlge speaker or a totally busted (to part out) one: Is there a 'similar' woofer that I can swap in, at least at a temp fix? 





What exactly is pixeldust? As I see it no one has done anything here but try to help you.

I ordered the driver of a DM601, hope it physically fits. I also took the driver out, and found what is causing the issue. Previous owner (likely when putting expoxy on the small hole in the cone) must have dropped the driver. Magnet is askew to the basket, resulting in misaligned coil/gap. I will attempt to straighten the basket and magnet, nothing to loose. 


Madisound speakers in Madison Wisconsin may be able to help find a replacement. Perhaps send them an email with your inquiry?

call Bill Legal at Miller Sound in PA.  He can give you the advice you need and possibly repair the driver(s).  He is the expert on drivers period.