Tidal or Qobuz

Many say Qobuz sounds better than Tidal, not Jay. 

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viRfrUktBY - 3:58 to 6:42



I am pondering this myself, having just set up Roon. How is Tidal vs Qobuz in regards to their jazz catalog? I have developed a taste for Scandinavian jazz and would like to mine that a bit more. Secondly, I don’t always like to play albums, does one or the other offer or excel at curated ’radio’ stations? I think Roon will do this for me as well?

I've tried both with main listening system and found that I prefer the SQ of Qobuz.  The exception was with overly bright recordings, where I found that MQA seemed to smooth thing over.


Only way to find out is fire up a trial on both services and exploritate.  Then sign up for monthly if you need more time.  then cancel the weakling.  

I have both.  The only time I use the Tidal app is through CarPlay in the car.  In the house, I use Roon and Tidal, Qobuz, and my ripped CD collection for whole house stereo to wireless speakers throughout my house.  In my listenng room, I use Innous Sense with Tidal, Qobuz, and my ripped CD collection.  In general, I find Qobuz sounds much better.

I keep Tidal for several reasons (1) I get a veteran's discount, (2) I have a family plan, and (3) Tidal provides genre specific playlist based on my playlists and the music I play (60's, 70's, and 80's soul/R&B, contemporary jazz, and soft rock).  Qobuz provides playlists, but the genres are mixed together, which makes no sense to me.

In my listening room, I did A/B testing using Innous Sense against Qobuz HiRes tracks and Tidal MQA tracks of the same music.  Qobuz sounded much smoother - MQA didn't sound bad, Qobuz just sounded better.  I also did A/B testing using Innous Sense and Qobuz HiRes via my Innous streamer against Roon and Tidal MQA via the Bridge II card in my PS Audio DSD DAC.  Asside from sounding noticably better, Qobuz sounded quite a bit louder and richer.