***Seasons Greetings A'goners***Are You Getting Any New Gear For Christmas***

A Pathos Classic Remix Mk.II integrated amplifier/DAC/headphone & a pair of HiFiMan Deva Pro bluetooth headphones...How about you folks?


A United Composite Centaur 76 and an Okuma Makiara 16. 😎 Gotta go outside and play too . As far as stereo gear , unfortunately no. Daughter married last summer , son next summer. But after that a new tube amp. Merry Christmas 

I’m down to living Vicariously thru my friends changes,

I am witnessing/perhaps helping a friend choose a more powerful tube amp, around 100 wpc,.mono-blocks preferred.

to drive JSE Infinite Slope Model II's, efficiency 90db; 8 ohms

sold: info




Tubes +/- 100 wpc: Used or New.


I decided to add to my nearfield low cost system with active speakers a low cost tube pre-amplifier with three tone controls to improve a bit a system so unbelievably good for his peanuts price i am amazed ( But i modified the speakers design myself the porthole and the tweeter wave guide )...

I already added a stunning peanuts cost S.S. pre-amplifier with three tone controls for my secondary internet and movie headphone the AKG K701 ( but no music with the AKG K701) with great result... I listen music if not on speakers only with the AKG K340 the best headphone i listened to in my life ...

i am happy with my speakers and main headphone ...

 The pre-amplifier  is my Christmas gift ....


I wish to all audiogon souls and family a merry Christmas and peace on earth ...


I bought a miniDSP microphone to do room corrections in Roon. 2 rooms down 3 to go. New gear can’t really fix issues related to room acoustics.

Merry Christmas’Agoners!  Sold my drum kit which frees up our sitting room for a makeover, so why not put a second system in there.  Going Bang for the Buck with a pair of JBL 4429’s, a Yamaha A-S2200, sources are a Denon DCD 1700 ne CD/SACD player and a Bluesound Node X 10th anniversary for streaming.  Slightly retro vibe with silver on all equipment and VU Meters 👌🏻