I've tried a number of subs over the years, even with dsp could never get coherent sound with main speakers. With dsp the problem wasn't so much with boom, but rather timing with main speakers, always a step behind or slow, once heard could never be unheard.
So, buying into Rel philosophy I recently purchased two T9X, last night first listening session with them. So, first impressions, first time I've heard coherence from subs with main speaker! Improvement in sense of sound stage ambience most noticeable change. bass extension more subtle with my Klipschorns. Perhaps it was recordings I played last night, but there was no earth shaking, wall rattling bass, just a bit of extension and fullness on bottom end, really integrated well with my initial settings on crossover and level. This bass performance quite different from my Wyred 4 Sound Genesis clone sub, which has the more spectacular, impactful bass sound.