Ear, Measurements, Knowledge, Final Ear
These Speakers In That Space (assuming speakers do NOT have level controls)
- place speakers in your Preferred Location. Listen. Refine that location and toe-in by EAR
- MEASURE, whataya got, __________? write that Knowledge down.
a. inexpensive sound pressure meter, bottom hole for tripod, seated ear height
b. frequency test tracks, I use tracks 9 to 38
- FIND best location and toe-in using MEASUREMENTS.
- Listen, any reason not to use your preferred location?
- Tone Controls, both measure and final Listen
- Equalizer Needed?
- Room Treatments Needed?
Speakers WITH Level Controls
Those Speakers in _____? Space is what Level Controls are for.
Measure, adjust, measure, then listen, change to taste, BUT, to maintain excellent Imaging, (no frequency wander) you need measurements.
Move the speakers to a different space, use the Level Controls: Those Speakers for That Space