Musical Expectation Bias

Musical Expectation Bias

Is it likely that such biases also extend not to just geographically separated cultures but also to "cultures" specifically dedicated to different musical stylistic categories. ie rock, classical, jazz etc?

And how might these biases color our discussions of things like "tube holography" and similar subjects?


How Great This Is

Very cool including when he wryly looks back over his shoulder at us at certain spiffy moments. Spacetime church music.

This is getting into "This is Your Brain on Music" territory. A very well written book, but I lost the enthusiasm (the point) about halfway through.

Maybe I'm missing the point, but personally, I'm happy that I have an open mind, and I am not pigeon-holed into one or two genres. 

Again, maybe this is off-topic, but one of our favorite albums is the Buena Vista Social Club. We don't speak any Spanish. Conversely, we had a house guest that clearly did not like the record because she could not understand the words.  


Expectation bias generally relates to experimental design flaws, not (in this example) to subjects’ perceptions in a study. If expectation bias were involved in that study, it would likely be a fundamental issue rendering the investigators’ discussion misleading, as they’d be premised on spurious results.

This is an example of why it can be hard to discuss such topics in audiophilia - there’s a “minimum height requirement” in background knowledge for stuff like this to make sense among back-n-forth discussion (i.e. > 1 person). 😉 I know that looks reeediculously pretentious in print (Eew!) - I’m sorry, and I mean no offense. It just is what it is.

Expectation bias